ACEA SpA is one of Italy’s leading multi-utilities and its Contact Center services were provided through two main premise platforms, which also meant that corrective and evolutionary maintenance services for Contact Center platforms were managed by two different suppliers.
ACEA had set the main objective of evolving its Contact Center services by replacing the two premise platforms previously in use with a single centralized Genesys Cloud platform for the management of both the commercial area and fault reporting.
ACEA’s aim was to radically renew the operating methods and harmonise the information systems supporting the main business processes, gradually involving the various companies belonging to this Group.
In this context, TechneValue has delivered and integrated more then 10+ business line and 1200+ agents. Using multi-tenant capability of Genesys Cloud, we were able to segment all business line in terms of KPI and supervisor needs. In addition, using the feature on Architect (IVR) and the custom toolbar, we could deliver at agent level a unique customer experience for each Business Line.
The Genesys Cloud contact centre platform is integrated with ACEA’s internal tools and systems. And now customers can contact ACEA through videocall and receive assistance via video with a specialised ACEA’s agent.

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